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Every member of the Consortium SUWAK has years of working experience in various branches and on different posts in the fields such as journalism, logistics, multicultural psychology, language coaching or in working in HR and IT departments. 


Beata Kurach

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I help people find the way to what is good and beautiful.


Krystyna Pietrzykowska

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I develop leadership competences based on respect

and partnership in working with people.


Agnieszka Dryzek

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 Dobro wraca. Być może dlatego, że dzielić się, to dostawać

dwa razy.


Who am I?

I am a business trainer, a business and crisis coach. I have over twenty years of experience working in international organizations and human resources management departments as well. 

I support managers in improving their leadership skills. My mission is to help companies build their organizational culture based on respect and trust to employees based on their potential and motivation. I believe that this attitude strengthens leaders and companies, helps them succeed and prevents crises. It is important for me to maintain the balance of life, to take care of my own energy resources, which allows me to manage stress and crisis situations effectively. I promote this attitude working with clients. I am passionate about people, horses and living close to nature.


What makes me different?

I am distinguished by the combination of professional experience and business knowledge with innovative Horse Assisted Education development programs in which horses are used.  I am a certified HAE facilitator. I run workshops for leaders aimed at developing self-awareness, leadership, communication, empathy, help in personal growth and transformation Participants experience themselves working with horse-trainers.



Who am I?

I am a promoter of the idea of employee-centered culture and business with a human face, which is associated with responsible leadership.

I've been passionate about people for over 20 years. Developing what they have the best, discovering their potential, talents, pointing out new opportunities absorbs me completely. I turn problems into opportunities, knowledge into practice, passion for success. I do my best to induce these values into  two of my children. In return for my effort, they prove me that it is easier to speak than do. They turn out to be my most demanding teachers.

The FRIS study describes my natural thinking as a visionary player-backed style of action.

The GALLUP study shows activation and responsibility as my strongest traits.

What makes me different?

The combination of many years of practice in engineering and managerial positions, supplemented by expertise in crisis, consists of a unique competence that allows me effectively support leaders and organizations in building a development-friendly environment. Even more, it lets me carry out my passion – supporting people in discovering their own potential effectively. 

I've come a long way from a computer systems designer-programmer to a leader in the software engineering department at a large U.S. corporation. The crisis I experienced after leaving the corporation  raised the inner need to understand its nature.



Who am I?

Constantly experiencing woman in many roles. More than ten years of experience in being my own boss has taught me that I am not irreplaceable. The organization of pioneering conferences in Poland at a time when only a few people knew what the investment in the internet domains was, showed that there are no impossible things. The experience in the role of mom hardened and gave  me a sense of accomplishment. I love working with children. Apart from my own, there are a lot of students of The Academy of the Future under my wings. I am a  Volunteer and Leader in The Academy of the Future in Piotrków Trybunalski.

I am a cross-cultural psychologist, Africanist. I graduated from the TROP Academy of Business Trainers and the Academy of Crisis Coaching. I am also the owner of


What makes me different?

My passion is to inspire people to get to know each other better and encourage them to discover the areas they have never  experienced before. Like legendary Heston Blumenthal combines white chocolate with caviar to create surprisingly good compositions, together with my clients, I have been looking for unusual connections of qualities, values, competences,  to exceed  the effect of our actions and expectations just to inspire further exploration too long cut it. Learning by experience.



Our expertise in various domains such as psychology and education in terms of crisis situations gives us unique competencies that we use to support leaders and organizations in building an environment conducive to development.

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